Archive for August, 2011

When was the last time you took a chance?

A chance to spend time with your love.
A chance to move on a little further with your relationship.
Or even a chance to say you like someone?

You never had the chance?

Regret is one of the hardest things in life.
It is a result of not trying, not taking a chance.

We are all given the chance with things: it’s up to us to step up, to do the next move. But somethings we fear so much that instead of taking the risk, we give up even without fighting for it. We let it go that easily because of the fear of rejection, the fear of losing. But what we do not realize is that it’s the fear of not trying that will scare us the most, eventually.

Why are we so afraid of taking chances with love even though we’re given the right things to start with? SIMPLE. We are afraid that if we succeed with the chance given to us, that we might not be able to live up to what we have fought for in the first place. WRONG. Taking a chance is already a success wrapped with an invisible ribbon. You just need to know how to untie the ribbon, how to remove the layers so in the end, we will be able to enjoy what’s inside this gift; a love worth the chance you took.

I’m writing this coz I want to take a chance with someone. I may not be the perfect guy, but I will try to be close to what he’s looking for. Distance might be something we need to fight against, but hey, we’re still under the same sky. I’m not saying I want him now, at this very moment, but I want to take the risk of saying I want to know him more, and I want to start now. I’m taking a risk, errmm, a chance, coz I think we have a chance.


Yes yes. I know. I haven’t posted anything for more than a month. It’s a very complicated month for me but it’s good that everything’s settled so here I am again, sharing random thoughts about the world as I see it. Anyhow, thanks for those who are emailing me, you know who you are guys)

After a very long wait, I am finally sharing this chronicle about my vacation in Bangkok, Thailand last June. I’ll be sharing a visual post so please spare me if you think it’s too long. 🙂

While at Changi Terminal 2:

I am very fond of planes so when I was almost at the boarding gate, seeing the tarmac, i captured some photos of different carriers near our gate.



MYANMAR AIRWAYS INTERNATIONAL with another airline at the back:



So me and my travel buddy, Ann, left Singapore past 5pm and arrived in Bangkok around 7pm, local time. We needed to ride a shuttle from the tarmac to the arrival gate because *INSERT REASON HERE* i have no idea. Good thing that when we arrived, cabs and travel companies doing tours can be easily spotted. Since we’re playing the tourist-adventurous game and I felt like Dora the Explorer that time, booked a reservation for a full city tour around Bangkok the following day. After that, we traveled around 45 minutes to our hotel and man, it was not what I’ve expected: It’s waaaay good than how the place look in pictures. It’s called Furama Xclusive-Sathorn along Silom Road, between Chong Nonsi and Sala Daeng MRT station. It’s not as five-star-ish like the MBS, but hey, for a three-star hotel, it’s not bad. Okay, that’s an understatement. Here are some clicks:

After dropping our things and after enjoying how beautiful our room is, we went to a Siam Square to search for dinner. We rode a TUKTUK:

Ended up eating at this noodle house named, well, NOODLE HOUSE:

The following day, we woke up early to go to the nearby market before preparing for our afternoon tour. Here are some snapshots:

It was actually funny coz the time we went there, it’s election season. I was surprised to see election posters like these:

I found out later that day that these posters are from an anti-government group asking people not to vote. Funny way to put it. 🙂

So for our afternoon tour, we went first to the TEMPLE OF THE GOLDEN BUDDHA. Was too busy taking pictures and forgot what our tour guide is telling us about this buddha. One thing I remembered: IT IS OLD. LOL


Here’s a shot of the entire figure:

And these are the inscriptions on the foot. John told us something about the meaning of the inscriptions but again, I was too amazed to listen.

Here’s John, the tour guide by the way,

They also have this jars of coins. The mechanics: you need to buy 20THB worth of coins and then put it one by one to this 113 jars (im not sure) and then you’re supposed to make a wish after. Well I dont see any harm in trying so we tried it.

After that, we explored the area to see well, more buddha figures!

There’s even a spot where there are ancient teachings on how to do Thai Massage:

What I just love about the place is how the palace grounds made me feel. I felt im in their ancient civilization-or something to that effect.

Here are more photos of the place:



What is it in a brand that we sometimes make it a first priority when buying something.

Most of the people I know are brand conscious. Louis Vuitton here, Louboutin there, Prada everywhere.

Most of the time, we buy it just because of the name, because it looks nice, not because it’s built to last.

Then comes my thought about how this seems similar with relationships. Why are some people more concerned about how someone appeal to them physically and sometimes take for granted those who love them more than anything in the world. Is this how superficial relationships have become?

When i was still in my experimental teen years, Im a hypocrite if I say physical appearance did not matter for
me, it did, in one point of our life (or in some cases, most or all parts of their life). But as i grow old, i realize there is more to relationships than just physical attraction. But why are most people still stuck on their experimental stage? And you’ll ask what the freakin hell is wrong with you?

This, most of the time, is the answer why most of us feel not contented, the reason why most relationships fail. Coz we are not contented, we look for more, just like a brand that changes their line every season. But hey, do we realize its wrong? I bet my arse most of us do not.


On the other hand, there are some who are blessed to find the perfect fit of stilletoes for them. I am more than happy for these people. They are the ones who are contented with what they have, have learned to appreciate their better half, no matter which season it is. I salute you people.

After writing this, i realized, am I still left on my experimental stage? Do i really prefer someone who will just look good beside me or do I choose someone who will last?

And then I will ask, in this brand conscious world of relationships, which brand are you?

HIV-AGE. Are you effing me?

Posted: August 20, 2011 in THOUGHTS
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Oh yeah. It’s just HIV-AIDS. Not a big deal. I wont get it and I dont care. So I’ll just do whatever I want as long as I’m enjoying it.


Think about it. Then think again. It’s NOT just HIV. It is a BIG DEAL. You should CARE. And no one’s stopping you from enjoying as long as you’re safe.

Now we’re talking.

I’m talking not about hereditary AIDS, but the “SEX” AIDS, if you know what I’m saying.
Found out a couple of weeks ago that one of my childhood playmate has THE virus. It’s hard to accept that we used to grow up together (at some point in our lives) in a rather small town and among all the people, he had it. I dont know the statistics, but he might be the first one to get it in our town. Kinda shocked to find out.

Reality is, everyone can get it. Specially those who do not play safe.
I’ll get it straight-on and not play with my words.
Seriously, how hard is it to put a rubber before having sex? I mean seriously? Will you take the risk? In the gay world, sex is basically breakfast, or lunch, or dinner-whichever meal you want to associate it with. And sooner or later, you’ll know someone who knows someone who has it, and then you’ll know someone who has it, and who knows? YOU MIGHT GET IT TOO. *knocks on wood*

This is something to be taken seriously. I am gay. And I know the possibility of acquiring HIV is not impossible. I hope people like me sees it the way I do. HIV is not something to be afraid of, it is something we fight against, something we’re trying decades to get rid off and yes, it’s something we can prevent. If only we can be a little less selfish and a little less libidinous.

If you know someone who has it, comfort them, help them. If you’re not sure if you have it, get a test. If you’re safe, be SAFER or SAFEST.

It’s still never too late. Do not let it be.

Voldimyr Alyenkystov

Posted: August 18, 2011 in POETRY

I am the best of what defines me.
The leg in legacy.
I am the ultimate beacon of light.
The last kind you’ll ever see.
I am the dream i want to be,
The lost treasure, the fantasy.
I am who i will be,
I will be me, I will be me.
I am Voldimyr Alyenkystov,
I am me, i will be.
